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Our lives as we live in modern Society are full of compromises, full of things we have to do, we have to accomplish in order to better serve the system. Well, many of us started to repress, fight and kill our natural instincts, our personality… Many of us started to omologate and follow other ‘s rules, cause of the fear that people and society will not accept us the right way we are. And i’m not just talking about conformism. I mean… i know the deep sense of being together building a society that works well and following rules for a better and common good. But also if some of our natural instincts, needs and wills will never affect or damage others or society, we have been told and tough to do not follow those, to repress its as non part of a modern individual. When we forget our non rational part, our instinctual side, our spiritual and emotional being , we are losing the best and most truly part of us. Our society push us to get pure rationalism, pure devotion to career… We almost everytime hide our personal and deepest needs cause we’re afraid the system will not accept those from us and will kick us out. I mean your work place, your family, your friends, institutions…. This continuos repression is bringing us to depression , to phisical and psychological problems as well as we do not express an important and basic part of us. This side of our personalities push to express and to live in our lives but cause we always refuse to live and follow those, this can be harmful to our personal equilibrium… to be continued….

Marco Nisida

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