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Many of the women i knew trough the net , were looking, searching, willing and needing something they couldn’t find in the real world. Maybe cause real world is already worst than a virtual one and maybe cause materialism and the loss of any values, principals, feelings, emotions and human characteristics is almost completed succesfully in the real world. On Internet we can find honest people who still believe in honestity, people who make their best to express themselves, their feelings, their thoughts, their dreams and hopes for the future. Maybe cause of its non material soul, Internet is better a wonderful Ocean of human wishes, colors, melodies, needs, emotions, dreams.. etc.. I mean the best of Humanity , the things that make us Human are centrating and concentrating their eyes to Internet.. We cannot stop to search for our happiness. We cannot stop to dream. But Offline Society has already destroyied these Hopes.. I mean people know that , no matter how much they will effort in searching for, they will never find out those magical things into modern society, never more. That’s why the last hope is Internet. It is a non material world that better personifies all highest Human needs. Also the instantaneous but distant textal instrument of communication favourites people to be more honest and deeper, people talking via chat feel more safe to share their thoughts r feeling without fear to be judged. This help to be sincere and to build deeper relatioships. Let’s build a new world.

Marco Nisida

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