I’m quite sure that the most part of people feel not satisfied by their lives. That’s maybe cause we live overruled and we never do what we really want to. Society and its rules bring us to think, to act like we were different than just us. The only thing we cannot properly do is to change the way we feel and we percive the life, so we got sad or frutrated. Our instincts , our hopes, desires, wills, needs die with the truly and deepest part of us, day after day, due to routine, mediocrity, mechanical rules..
It seems almost to be a sin to feel something different from what society tells us we should feel. We are overconditioned to think something we barely know..
It is strongly wrong that in life we have continuously to mortificate our instincts. Cold rationality cannot be a solution to everything, and the wonderful part of our life start when we keep feeling, emotioning, dreaming, hoping ..
Marriage as other rules do, can destroy individual full freedom and minimize someone’s personality size.
Marco Nisida
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