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Hi everybody and thank you for your kind comments. Today i want to talk about Fruit. As you can see in the photo each fruit has its own wonderful colors and put together in a composition lemon, banana, orange, apple… can create a very nice show. If you ever wondered how to say fruits in Italian, you can find here the right translation and pronunciation for each fruit in Italian language.

The grapefruit = il pompelmo
The lemon = il limone
The plum = la susina
The peach = la pesca
The watermelon = l’anguria
The pineapple = l’ananas
The pear = la pera
The apricots = l’albicocca
The cantaloupe = il melone
The strawberry = la fragola
The apple = la mela
The prune = la prugna
The orange = l’arancia
The raspberry = il lampone
The slice of pear = la fetta di pera
The lime = la fetta di limone
The avocado = l’avocado
The coconut = la noce di cocco
The mango = il mango
The cherries = le ciliege
The grapes = l’uva
The banana = la banana
The apple core = il torsolo di mela

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