Hi everybody and thank you for your kind comments. Today i want to talk about Fruit. As you can see in the photo each fruit has its own wonderful colors and put together in a composition lemon, banana, orange, apple… can create a very nice show. If you ever wondered how to say fruits in Italian, you can find here the right translation and pronunciation for each fruit in Italian language.
The grapefruit = il pompelmo
The lemon = il limone
The plum = la susina
The peach = la pesca
The watermelon = l’anguria
The pineapple = l’ananas
The pear = la pera
The apricots = l’albicocca
The cantaloupe = il melone
The strawberry = la fragola
The apple = la mela
The prune = la prugna
The orange = l’arancia
The raspberry = il lampone
The slice of pear = la fetta di pera
The lime = la fetta di limone
The avocado = l’avocado
The coconut = la noce di cocco
The mango = il mango
The cherries = le ciliege
The grapes = l’uva
The banana = la banana
The apple core = il torsolo di mela
thank you!! =D
hey i love your lessons, mi lengua nativa es espanol y quiero aprender italiano
Your lessons are great! This will be so helpful for when I go to Italy in the winter!
ciao grazie marco this lessons are great its so cool it makes learning more fun so cool !:)
it's really sooooooo good , i found your video on youtube & i like your way to teaching italian
& good luck
It seems that I'm falling in love with You and il'italiano) Grazie per lezione!
Hola, te escribi hace un par de dias pero no se si recibiste mi correo. Me encantaria saber donde vives y si no te molesta me gustaria corregirte algunas pequenas cosas en espanol porque veo que otra gente tambien esta aprendiendo espanol al mismo tiempo. Por favor, si me pudieras decir donde encontrar las otras lecciones, porque pareciera que solo puedo llegar hast la #3.
Muchas gracias!!!
I like this lesson soo much.
Thank you.
Deeply appreciate
I'm very happy you liked my lessons.. I hope to publish more free lessons soon… Ciao
sono contento
Great to learn Italian Language